Sunday, March 31, 2024

101 in 1001: List Seven

 from Day Zero Project (aka "101 in 1001 Days") 

The Mission: 
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. 

The Criteria: 
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part). 

Why 1001 Days? 
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities. 

Start Date: April 1, 2024 
End Date: December 28, 2026 

* Completed tasks will be crossed out. 
* Tasks in progress will be in bold (so I can keep track of them easily). 
* Incomplete tasks will be left as is. 

My 101 

1. Leave an inspirational note in a book for someone to find. 
2. Take a cruise. 
3. Complete the 2024 NaNoWriMo challenge. 
4. Complete the 2025 NaNoWriMo challenge. 
5. Complete the 2026 NaNoWriMo challenge. 
6. Finish a Work in Progress. 
7. Read 100 books (audiobooks count). (9/100)
8. Make a short film. 
9. Go apple picking. 
10. Renew my passport. 
11. Get my permit. 
12. Learn to cook something. 
13. Write about my aunt's need for a kidney.
14. Share the above (#13) in least three places. (0/3)
15. Take the MENSA test. 
16. Host a tea party. 
17. Visit 5 places in New England I've never been to before. (0/5) 
18. Attend a film festival. 
19. Get certified in CPR. 
20. Pay off one credit card. 
21. Make a medical family tree. 
22. Attend the Portuguese Festival (Madeira Fest) in New Bedford 
23. Publish an article in a magazine or newspaper. 
24. Spend 45 days without going online (doesn't have to be consecutive) (0/45) 
25. Visit the Peabody Essex Museum. 
26. Finish "Who Killed Robert Prentice?" by Dennis Wheatley. 
27. Complete 25 creative writing prompts from Toasted Cheese (0/25) 
28. Visit Coney Island. 
29. Visit Old Orchard Beach, ME. 
30. Donate 100 items to charity. (0/100) 
31. Post about my 101 in 1001 progress 5 times. (0/5)
32. Participate in an armchair treasure hunt. 
33. Do the Walk to Rivendell Challenge before my 101 in 1001 challenge ends. 
34. Write 30 blog posts. (0/30) 
35. Visit a city or town I've never been to. 
36. Get reacquainted with my local library. 
37. Host a Game Night. 
38. Make 5 things inspired by Pinterest (0/5) 
39. See 5 movies in the theater. (0/5) 
40. Watch 10 new-to-me movies (theater, at home via whatever method, etc.) (6/10)
41. Try 20 new things no matter how small. (18/20) 
42. Visit Rockport again. 
43. Visit Canada. 
44. Try audiobook narration. 
45. Take a tour of the Boston Public Library 
46. Review at least 30 relatives in my family tree (to check for dates, etc.) (8/30)
47. Lose 25 lbs. (0/25) 
49. Post the result of something inspired by The Soul Food Café
50. Create 10 new items for my Etsy Shop. (0/10)
51. Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me (0/101). 
53. Organize dad's photos into an album. 
54. Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days are over. 
55. Make a list of 50 places I'd like to visit in my lifetime. 
56. Be able to do 10 pushups. (0/10) 
57. Submit 50 stories - or 50 times. It doesn't have to be 50 individual stories. (9/50) 
58. Send a query to a literary agent. 
59. Make a bucket list (100 things I want to do before I die). 
60. Purchase a first aid kit for the house. 
62. Finish the list of books I own (LibraryThing). 
63. Visit Plymouth by train.
64. Be an extra in a movie. 
65. Make a family history book. 
66. Go on a day hike. 
67. Do Escape the Room
68. Do 5 Wits
69. See a live flamenco performance. 
70. See a live show (play, musical, concert, comedy, etc.), in addition to the flamenco performance in #69.
71. Try foods from five different cultures or countries.
72. Take a surfing lesson. 
73. Go to a scifi con.
74. Introduce Beanie to Farscape and The X-Files. (0/2)
75. Make a will.
76. Sign up for life insurance.
77. Complete 10 on my The Ultimate Reading Challenge list on Day Zero Project.
78. Go to a show at the Norwood Theater
79. Visit with my dad at least 5 times. (0/5) 
80. Complete all the items on my 24 in 2024 list.
82. Create a nice looking pedigree chart for myself. 
83. Create a nice looking descendency chart from whichever family I choose. 
84. Research at least 4 generations back on Beanie's side. 
85. Participate in 
86. Take the train to Washington, D.C. to see the cherry blossoms. 
87. Bake chocolate chip cookies. 
88. Make ice cream from scratch. 
89. Bake some scones. 
90. Take five continuing education courses (online or in person). (0/5) 
91. Learn a new skill. 
92. Finish visual phasing of my siblings and my DNA. 
93. Write 100 letters. (21/100) 
94. Complete the 52 Week Money Challenge. (30/52) 
95. Bring Beanie to NYC for a day trip. 
96. Day trip to Providence. 
97. Get ice cream at Taikyaki
98. Transcribe 10 genealogy records for my research. (0/10) 
99. Put $10 into my savings for every completed item on this list. (1/101) 
100. Finish writing another 101 things before the end of the 1001 days. 
101. Complete all the items on this list. (2/101) 

Tasks Remaining: 101 

** previous lists: 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

24 in 2024

 My interpretation of 24 in 24 - a list of 24 things to accomplish this year, and each item on the list has 24 items because I thought that'd be a fun little extra challenge for myself. I'd already completed one item before I'd posted this (see #8):

  1. Post 24 blog posts - self-explanatory but posts can be here, LJ, or other blog (2/24)
  2. Watch 24 movies or tv series (new to me) - even one episode counts for tv series (8/24)
  3. Read 24 (new to me) books (22/24)
  4. Try 24 (new to me) foods (11/24)
  5. Try 24 (new to me) restaurants/cafes/etc. (6/24)
  6. Cook/Bake/Make 24 Meals/Desserts/Snacks - this will be a tough one because I don’t cook or bake - haha - (3/24)
  7. Visit 24 places (doesn’t have to be new to me) - (3/24)
  8. Walk 24 miles - this should be the easiest of the list (and it was)   ✓
  9. Write 24 stories of any length (1/24)
  10. Edit/revise/finish 24 stories (5/24)
  11. Submit 24 stories somewhere (18/24)
  12. Post to Instagram 24 times
  13. Listen to 24 (new to me) songs and/or artists (3/24)
  14. Write and mail 24 letters (6/24)
  15. Try 24 craft projects/crafty things (doesn’t have to be new to me)
  16. Research 24 people/places/event in my genealogy (1/24)
  17. Review 24 relatives I’ve added to me family tree to make sure everything (dates, etc.) add up (6/24)
  18. Make a deposit 24 times to my savings account (23/24)
  19. Skip sugar in my coffee 24 times (15/24)
  20. Do 24 things for my self-care (3/24)
  21. Solve 24 riddles (3/24)
  22. Make 24 fun things to include in letters to pen pals
  23. Do 24 of any Etsy shop related task: make, review, sell, post, inventory, freebies/thank you gifts (2/24)
  24. Have 24 adventures (2/24)

Monday, May 01, 2023

Write 30 Minutes a Day in May - Melanoma Monday

This May I'm participating in the  American Cancer Society Virtual Challenge Write 30 Minutes a Day in May. Fundraising is done on Facebook so, if you have a Facebook account, please head over to my fundraising page and support my efforts! Or sign up for this challenge. Every dollar counts. If you'd like to  donate, but don't have Facebook (or you don't want to donate through that site), here are some other ways to donate. (Just follow the hyperlinks.)

I'm participating in this challenge in honor of all my friends and family who have cancer, all of those who fought their battles and won, and all of those who lost. I'd intended to list everyone and their associated cancers, but as I started to list them, I realized the list was too long. Too many people. Too many cancers. It was a harsh reminder of how important support is for the families, for research, and for the American Cancer Society and for organizations like it.

American Cancer Society has a toll free number, available 24 hrs. a day - 7 days a week, to answer questions and provide resources to those recently diagnosed, to those receiving treatment, to caregivers, and to loved ones. They might be able to help with rides to appointments and lodging for treatments, among other things. The number for anyone who may need it is: 1-800-227-2345.

May is also Skin Cancer Awareness Month / National Melanoma Month, and the 1st of May happens to be called Melanoma Monday, as a way of generating awareness about melanoma. The American Cancer Society estimates about 98,000 people will be diagnosed with melanoma, and almost 8,000 people are expected to die from it.

What are some of the risk factors? (this is not a full list - see this link for more risk factors:

- Exposure to UV light, from sunlight or from tanning beds

- Moles, Fair Skin, Freckling

- Family History of Melanoma or a Personal History of Skin Cancers

What are some things you can do?

- Wear sunscreen. Avoid tanning beds. Cover up with wide brimmed hats in the sunshine and seek shade whenever possible.

- Check your skin regularly so you can notice any changes in existing moles or spot any abnormal growths.

- See your doctor or a dermatologist if you have any questions or concerns.

#MelanomaMonday #cancerawareness #30minutesadayinMay #AmericanCancerSociety #virtualchallenge

Sunday, June 27, 2021

101 in 1001: List Six

from Day Zero Project (aka "101 in 1001 Days") 

The Mission: 
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. 

The Criteria: 
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part). 

Why 1001 Days? 
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities. 
Start Date: June 28, 2021 
End Date: March 25, 2024 

* Completed tasks will be crossed out. 
* Tasks in progress will be in bold (so I can keep track of them easily). 
* Incomplete tasks will be left as is. 

My 101 

1. Leave an inspirational note in a book for someone to find. 
2. Take a cruise. 
3. Complete the 2021 NaNoWriMo challenge. 
4. Complete the 2022 NaNoWriMo challenge. 
5. Complete the 2023 NaNoWriMo challenge. 
6. Finish a Work in Progress. 
7. Read 100 books (audiobooks count). (74/100)
8. Start an IRA. 
9. Make a short film. 
10. Go apple picking. 
11. Renew my passport. 
12. Get my permit. 
13. Learn to cook something. 
14. Take the MENSA test. 
15. Host a tea party. 
16. Meet 5 new people. (1/5) 
17. Visit 5 places in New England I've never been to before. (2/5) 
18. Attend a film festival. 
19. Get certified in CPR. 
20. Pay off one credit card. 
21. Make a medical family tree. 
22. Attend the Portuguese Festival (Madeira Fest) in New Bedford 
23. Publish an article in a magazine or newspaper. 
24. Spend 45 days without going online (doesn't have to be consecutive) (3/45) 
25. Visit the Peabody Essex Museum 
26. Finish "Who Killed Robert Prentice?" by Dennis Wheatley 
27. Complete 25 creative writing prompts from Toasted Cheese (0/25) 
28. Visit Coney Island. 
29. Visit Old Orchard Beach, ME. 
30. Take Beanie on two college tours. (0/2) 
31. Donate 100 items to charity. (20/100) 
32. Participate in an armchair treasure hunt 
33. Do the Walk to Rivendell Challenge before my 101 in 1001 challenge ends. 
34. Write 30 blog posts. (1/30) 
35. Visit a city or town I've never been to. 
36. Get reacquainted with my local library. 
37. Host a Game Night. 
38. Make 5 things inspired by Pinterest (0/5) 
39. See 5 movies in the theater. (0/5) 
40. Watch 10 new-to-me movies (theater, at home via whatever method, etc.) (10/10)
41. Try 20 new things no matter how small. (20/20) 
42. Visit Rockport again. 
43. Visit Canada. 
44. Try audiobook narration. 
45. Take a tour of the Boston Public Library 
46. Take Beanie to Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. 
47. Lose 25 lbs. (0/25) 
49. Post the result of something inspired by The Soul Food Café
50. Create 10 new items for my Etsy Shop
51. Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me (0/101). 
53. Organize dad's photos into an album. 
54. Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days are over. 
55. Make a list of 50 places I'd like to visit in my lifetime. 
56. Be able to do 10 pushups. (0/10) 
57. Submit 25 stories. (22/25) 
58. Send a query to a literary agent. 
59. Make a bucket list (100 things I want to do before I die). 
60. Purchase a first aid kit for the house. 
62. Finish the list of books I own (LibraryThing). 
63. Take Beanie on the ferry to Salem. 
64. Be an extra in a movie. 
65. Make a family history book. 
66. Go on a day hike. 
67. Do Escape the Room
68. Do 5 Wits
69. See a live flamenco performance. 
70. See a live show (play, musical, concert, comedy, etc.), in addition to the flamenco performance in #69. 71. Try foods from five different cultures or countries. (2/5) 
72. Take a surfing lesson. 
73. Go to a scifi con.
74. Introduce Beanie to Farscape and The X-Files. (0/2)
75. Make a will.
76. Sign up for life insurance.
77. Complete 10 on my The Ultimate Reading Challenge list on Day Zero Project.
78. Go to a show at the Norwood Theater
79. Visit with my dad at least 5 times. (2/5) 
80. Visit with Uncle Carlos. (failed - he passed away)
82. Create a nice looking pedigree chart for myself. 
83. Create a nice looking descendency chart from whichever family I choose. 
84. Research at least 4 generations back on Beanie's side. 
85. Participate in 
86. Take the train to Washington, D.C. to see the cherry blossoms. 
87. Bake chocolate chip cookies. 
88. Make ice cream from scratch. 
89. Bake some scones. 
90. Take five continuing education courses (online or in person). (0/5) 
91. Learn a new skill. 
92. Finish visual phasing of my siblings and my DNA. 
93. Write 100 letters. (21/100) 
94. Complete the 52 Week Money Challenge. (52/52) 
95. Bring Beanie to NYC for a day trip. 
96. Day trip to Providence. 
97. Get ice cream at Taikyaki
98. Transcribe 10 genealogy records for my research. (0/10) 
99. Put $10 into my savings for every completed item on this list. (6/101) 
100. Finish writing another 101 things before the end of the 1001 days. 
101. Complete all the items on this list. (6/101) 

Tasks Remaining: 101 

** previous lists: 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Books I Read in 2020

1. The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy
2. the Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic by Leigh Bardugo
3. Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
4. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
5. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
6. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
7. One for Sorrow by Mary Downing Hahn
8. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
9. The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
10. The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
11. The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson
12. The Midwife's Apprentice by Karen Cushman
13. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Friday, May 29, 2020


National Theater Live has announced its next full-length play scheduled for streaming, Coriolanus starring Tom Hiddleston in the title role, for which he received an Olivier Award nomination and won the Evening Standard Award for Best Actor (2014). I’m really looking forward to this one because I missed it the first time around when it was broadcast as part of National Theater Live in movie theaters. Also starring Alfred Enoch, Deborah Findlay, and Mark Gattis, you can check it out on the National Theater at Home’s YouTube page on June 4.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

National Theater Live and Other Things

The National Theater will be streaming free full-length plays every Thursday as part of National Theater at Home. The streamed plays can be accessed on the National Theater’s YouTube page National Theater at Home. Each play will be available for one week.

Currently playing is Twelfth Night featuring Tamsin Greig and directed by Simon Goodwin.

Tune in April 30 and May 1 for Frankenstein, directed by Academy Award winner Danny Boyle, featuring Benedict Cumberbatch and Johnny Lee Miller in alternating roles of Frankenstein and his creation.

On May 14 Ralph Fiennes and Sophie Okonedo star in Antony & Cleopatra, directed by Simon Godwin.

The multi talented Gigi Edgley has been hosting talks and watch parties on Twich. She posts information about this and other projects on her Twitter @GigiEdgley, Instagram, and Facebook accounts as well as her website Be sure to give her a follow and tune in!

Phryne Fisher fans rejoice! Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears is now playing on Acorn TV. If you don't have Acorn TV already, you might be able to gain access through your local library. With a library card from a participating library you can sign up at RB Digital to check out limited, free access to a multitude of British tv shows and movies through Acorn TV.

Lastly, Sunday May 3, the Letter Writers Alliance (LWA) is hosting a Virtual Letter Writing Social at 3pm Central time here: Virtual Letter Writing Social. As a reminder the LWA's shop is open until July 31 after which it will be permanently closed so stock up on those writing supplies while you can!