Sunday, January 12, 2025

Podcasts I'm Enjoying

In 2024, I tried to increase my walking (I'm still not back to my previous levels), and whenever possible, I multitask by listening to music, audiobooks (borrowed from the library), or podcasts.

Some of my favorite podcast from 2024 (and 2025), in no particular order:

Lore: Aaron Mahnke's award winning podcast of historical, scary stories / folklore. I love that he explores a lot of New England's legends and dark past - Rhode Island vampire lore, the Bridgewater triangle, etc. - in addition to fairy changelings, magical artifacts, and ghost stories from around the world

Tales of Britain and Ireland: Graeme Cook's fun, informative podcast about folktales, legends, and myths across Britain and Ireland. I love the humorous way Graeme tells stories and the discussion section he adds at the end.

Fabulous Folklore with Icy: Author Icy Sedgwick's podcast explores myth, legends, and superstitions in 15 minutes (or so). From the tradition of first-footing, magical plant folklore, and haunted houses to Welsh legends, weather lore, and fairy-friendly gardens, there's something for everyone.

Irish Mythology Podcast: Hosts Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh tell stories from Ireland's rich mythology - the Fomorians, the Milesians, the Fir Blog, the Banshee, the Morrigan, and even St. Patrick himself.

Helping Writers Become Authors: In addition to her novels K.M. Weiland has written multiple books on the craft of writing, and her website and podcast expand on her experience and expertise. It's a fantastic resource.

Yes, there's a definite theme.

Feel free to share with me which podcasts you've been listening to and can recommend!

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