Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Recent Finishes

Booking Through Thursday

  1. What are the last five books that you finished reading? J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," Noah Lukeman's "The First Five Pages: A Writer's Guide to Staying Out of the Rejection Pile," the Little Golden Book "The Lion's Paw," "Owen & Mzee: The True Story Of A Remarkable Friendship" and "The Rescuers"

  2. How long did it take you to read them? Collectively? One to two years .. I haven't had much time to actually finish any of the books I've started. *sigh* The last five books I've read have all been fairly short (*g*); the longest book of the five was "The Socerer's Stone." lol "Harry Potter" took me about a month or so to read because I was doing other things at the time and never really sat down to read it. I received "The First Five Pages" one or two years ago as a Christmas gift and read that over a few days. I read "Owen & Mzee" though while browsing in a bookstore so that was only a few minutes to finish that one. "The Lion's Paw" and "The Rescuers" were read to my niece recently. :)

  3. Did you enjoy reading these books? Why or why not? Yes. "Harry Potter" was better than I was expecting. I originally skimmed the book when it first came out but never took the time to read it properly (until a few months ago). At my sister's urging I set aside time to read it recently and was pleased; I'm looking forward to the other books in the series. I liked "The First Five Pages," but it really didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. I've always liked "The Lion's Paw" and the story of "The Rescuers" so it was fun to read them to my niece. I enjoyed "Owen & Mzee" a lot; that book was a real treat. The cover caught my attention as I was browsing one day, and I ended up reading the book in the aisle. It was a very interesting, touching story, and the pictures were great. I instantly fell in love with the orphaned baby hippo and the giant tortoise. When I get some pocket money, I'm buying that book for my niece.

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